We have established our own business community for fresh food tenant companies in grocery supermarket chain stores to provide daily management support and create horizontal connections among tenants. We provide services that enable tenants to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to support customer’s dietary needs in the supermarket setting.
Consulting to support smooth opening of stores and daily operations
Because of our deep relationships with franchisors and franchisees, we are able to provide smooth consulting services for fresh food vendors to open tenant stores. We support tenant operations by creating original services and learning opportunities that are useful for hygiene and business management.
Share information useful for business through regular study sessions, store visits, and training
Four times a year, members of the tenant group come together to hold study sessions with invited lecturers from the franchisor’s headquarters and other outside sources, as well as inspection training sessions where participants visit production plants and competing stores. In addition, the Food Safety Institute conducts hygiene surveys and mystery shopper surveys (undercover surveys) twice a year to support safe and secure store operations.